Results for 'Ewa Justyna Chłap-Nowakowa'

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  1.  11
    Wędrowcy – Pielgrzymi – Żołnierze – Emigranci.Ewa Justyna Chłap-Nowakowa - 2023 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 29 (3):151-180.
    Głównym celem artykułu jest prezentacja wyobraźni poetyckiej i doświadczeń grupy twórców skupionej w 2 Korpusie Polskim w czasie II wojny światowej, jak również analiza jej najbardziej charakterystycznych motywów w kontekście tradycji polskiego romantyzmu, „odgrywanych” na trasie i w rolach poetów-żołnierzy Korpusu. Studium wykorzystuje wszystkie tomiki poetyckie, a także inne literackie publikacje wytworzone na długiej trasie ze Związku Sowieckiego, gdzie trzon Korpusu się uformował w 1941–1942, przez Bliski Wschód, Włochy, aż do ostatniej stacji – emigracji, najczęściej w Londynie. Materiał ten jest (...)
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    Sprzeciw sumienia w zawodzie farmaceuty. Badanie opinii farmaceutów na temat klauzuli sumienia.Justyna Czekajewska, Dominik Langer & Ewa Baum - 2022 - Ruch Filozoficzny 78 (1):171-198.
    Streszczenie Klauzula sumienia została wprowadzona do obszaru prawnych regulacji międzynarodowych w związku z uchwałą Rady Europy o nr 1763 z dnia 7 października 2010 r. Zgodnie z treścią dokumentu istnieje przyzwolenie odstąpienia od wykonania określonego świadczenia medycznego ze względu na zastrzeżenia moralne (religijne lub światopoglądowe) zgłaszane przez przedstawicieli opieki zdrowotnej. W przepisach polskiego prawa medycznego powołanie się na zasadę klauzuli sumienia jest dozwolone, ale wyłącznie dla lekarzy, pielęgniarek i położnych. Farmaceuci są pozbawieni tej możliwości. Jednak wykonywanie niektórych czynności zawodowych budzi (...)
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    Ethical issues in biomedical research using electronic health records: a systematic review.Jan Piasecki, Ewa Walkiewicz-Żarek, Justyna Figas-Skrzypulec, Anna Kordecka & Vilius Dranseika - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (4):633-658.
    Digitization of a health record changes its accessibility. An electronic health record (EHR) can be accessed by multiple authorized users. Health information from EHRs contributes to learning healthcare systems’ development. The objective of this systematic review is to answer a question: What are ethical issues concerning research using EHRs in the literature? We searched Medline Ovid, Embase and Scopus for publications concerning ethical issues of research use of EHRs. We employed the constant comparative method to retrieve common ethical themes. We (...)
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    I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing – Learning Dynamics and Effects of Feedback Type and Monetary Incentive in a Paired Associate Deterministic Learning Task.Magda Gawlowska, Ewa Beldzik, Aleksandra Domagalik, Adam Gagol, Tadeusz Marek & Justyna Mojsa-Kaja - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  5. The Polish School of Argumentation: A Manifesto.Katarzyna Budzynska, Michal Araszkiewicz, Barbara Bogołȩbska, Piotr Cap, Tadeusz Ciecierski, Kamila Debowska-Kozlowska, Barbara Dunin-Kȩplicz, Marcin Dziubiński, Michał Federowicz, Anna Gomolińska, Andrzej Grabowski, Teresa Hołówka, Łukasz Jochemczyk, Magdalena Kacprzak, Paweł Kawalec, Maciej Kielar, Andrzej Kisielewicz, Marcin Koszowy, Robert Kublikowski, Piotr Kulicki, Anna Kuzio, Piotr Lewiński, Jakub Z. Lichański, Jacek Malinowski, Witold Marciszewski, Edward Nieznański, Janina Pietrzak, Jerzy Pogonowski, Tomasz A. Puczyłowski, Jolanta Rytel, Anna Sawicka, Marcin Selinger, Andrzej Skowron, Joanna Skulska, Marek Smolak, Małgorzata Sokół, Agnieszka Sowińska, Piotr Stalmaszczyk, Tomasz Stawecki, Jarosław Stepaniuk, Alina Strachocka, Wojciech Suchoń, Krzysztof Szymanek, Justyna Tomczyk, Robert Trypuz, Kazimierz Trzȩsicki, Mariusz Urbański, Ewa Wasilewska-Kamińska, Krzysztof A. Wieczorek, Maciej Witek, Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska, Olena Yaskorska, Maria Załȩska, Konrad Zdanowski & Żure - 2014 - Argumentation 28 (3):267-282.
    Building on our diverse research traditions in the study of reasoning, language and communication, the Polish School of Argumentation integrates various disciplines and institutions across Poland in which scholars are dedicated to understanding the phenomenon of the force of argument. Our primary goal is to craft a methodological programme and establish organisational infrastructure: this is the first key step in facilitating and fostering our research movement, which joins people with a common research focus, complementary skills and an enthusiasm to work (...)
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  6. Popyt na zawody i kompetencje na podlaskim rynku pracy a potrzeby pracodawców w zakresie kształcenia ustawicznego pracowników w wieku 45 lat i więcej.Katarzyna Baczyńska-Koc, Magdalena Borys, Andrzej Klimczuk, Iwona Pietrzak, Bogusław Plawgo, Katarzyna Radziewicz, Ewa Rollnik-Sadowska, Cecylia Sadowska-Snarska & Justyna Żynel-Etel - 2015 - Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy W Białymstoku.
    Popyt na zawody i kompetencje na podlaskim rynku pracy a potrzeby pracodawców w zakresie kształcenia ustawicznego pracowników w wieku 45 lat i więcej Katarzyna Baczyńska-Koc, Magdalena Borys, Andrzej Klimczuk, Iwona Pietrzak, Bogusław Plawgo, Katarzyna Radziewicz, Ewa Rollnik-Sadowska, Cecylia Sadowska-Snarska & Justyna Żynel-Etel .
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    Idealization X: The Richness of Idealization.Izabella Nowakowa & Leszek Nowak - 2000 - Rodopi.
    Contents: Preface. - Introduction. - Science as a caricature of reality. - Three methodological revolutions. - The method of idealization. - Explanations and applications. - Truth and idealization. - A generalization of idealization. - References.
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    Literature as a Source of Knowledge. Polish Colonization of the United Kingdom in the light of Limeys by Ewa Winnicka.Ewa Kołodziejczyk - 2015 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 17 (1):167-178.
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    Creative Processes in Creativity Training / Procesy twórcze w warsztatach kreatywności.Justyna Rynkiewicz - 2014 - Annales Umcs. Sectio I 39 (1):33-49.
  10.  43
    Feminist Aesthetics and the Politics of Modernism.Ewa Płonowska Ziarek - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    Ewa Ziarek fully articulates a feminist aesthetics, focusing on the struggle for freedom in women's literary and political modernism and the devastating impact of racist violence and sexism. She examines the contradiction between women's transformative literary and political practices and the oppressive realities of racist violence and sexism, and she situates these tensions within the entrenched opposition between revolt and melancholia in studies of modernity and within the friction between material injuries and experimental aesthetic forms. Ziarek's political and aesthetic investigations (...)
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    Recycling utterances: A speaker's guide to sentence processing.Ewa Dąbrowska - 2014 - Cognitive Linguistics 25 (4).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cognitive Linguistics Jahrgang: 25 Heft: 4 Seiten: 617-653.
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    Bridging the gap: How sustainable development can help companies create shareholder value and improve financial performance.Justyna Przychodzen, Wojciech Przychodzen & Fernando Gómez-Bezares - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (1):1-17.
    This study examines the effect of integrating sustainability into corporate strategy on various aspects of shareholder value creation and financial performance in the British capital market. The employed method is based on the content analysis of corporate disclosures and a new technique for assessing the adoption of the corporate sustainability concept. Using extensive data of FTSE 350 firms covering the years 2006–2012, 65 companies were selected as meeting corporate sustainability criteria. For the above period, we find that these firms were (...)
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    Cognitive Linguistics’ seven deadly sins.Ewa Dąbrowska - 2016 - Cognitive Linguistics 27 (4):479-491.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cognitive Linguistics Jahrgang: 27 Heft: 4 Seiten: 479-491.
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  14. Czy zagrożona tożsamość gatunkowa? (J. Habermas, \\\"Przyszłość natury ludzkiej. Czy zmierzamy do eugeniki liberalnej?\\\").Justyna Białowarczuk - 2004 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 10.
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    Granice wolności w starożytnej myśli greckiej.Justyna Biernat & Przemysław Biernat (eds.) - 2013 - Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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    Languages of Mourning: Between Page and Stage.Justyna Biernat - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (6).
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    Some seventeenth-century miniatures from the university of cracow.Ewa Chojecka - 1965 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 28 (1):329-331.
  18.  20
    Organ Transplant in Present-Day Japan: Reasons behind Low Numbers of Deceased Donors.Justyna Magdalena Czekajewska & Aleksandra Jaworowicz-Zimny - 2020 - Diametros 18 (70):2-25.
    According to the International Register of Organ Donation and Transplantation, Japan is one of the countries with the lowest number of registered deceased donors. In 2019, Japan was ranked 61st out of 70 countries. The authors of this article have decided to explore the reasons for this phenomenon. In the first part of the work, religious influences (Shinto and Buddhism), the tradition of gotai manzoku, the importance of altruism and the family in the perception of death and organ transplantation by (...)
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    Ewa lipska: A selection of poems.Robin Davidson & Ewa Elżbieta Nowakowska - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (3):569-581.
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    Fashion Triumphant and the Mechanism of Tautology in Two Nineteenth-Century Dystopias.Justyna Galant - 2017 - Utopian Studies 28 (3):428-450.
    Fashion is defined by an infinite variation of a single tautology … stripped of content, but not of meaning. A kind of machine for maintaining meaning without ever fixing it, it is forever a disappointed meaning. … [I]t … becomes the spectacle human beings grant themselves of their power to make the insignificant signify; Fashion then appears as an exemplary form of the general act of signification, thus rejoining the very being of literature which is to offer to read not (...)
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    Inverse Linking, Possessive Weak Definites and Haddock Descriptions: A Unified Dependent Type Account.Justyna Grudzińska & Marek Zawadowski - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (2):239-260.
    This paper proposes a unified dependent type analysis of three puzzling phenomena: inversely linked interpretations, weak definite readings in possessives and Haddock-type readings. We argue that the three problematic readings have the same underlying surface structure, and that the surface structure postulated can be interpreted properly and compositionally using dependent types. The dependent type account proposed is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to formally connect the three phenomena. A further advantage of our proposal over previous analyses is (...)
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    Differences between nurse and patient assessments on postoperative pain management in two hospitals.Ewa Idvall, Katarina Berg, Mitra Unosson & Lars Brudin - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (5):444-451.
  23. "Prawda" w ujęciu lingwistyki współczesnej.Ewa Komorowska - 1994 - Nowa Krytyka 5.
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  24. Utopia słowiańska romantycznych słowianofilów polskich.Justyna Kurczak - 1991 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 36.
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    Etyka w działalności organizacji pozarządowych.Justyna Lichwiarz - 2011 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 14 (2):101-108.
    NGOs are an important component of democratic society. The specificity of the system based on the participation of citizens provides the possibility of association of individuals to perform the duties of a socially useful. Isolation of the third sector, despite its unquestioned role in society, carries the risk of fraud-related manufacturing sphere of disposing of public funds and foreign, communicated through competitions. Any formulated opinions were based on existing literature and on experience, systematic observations using a questionnaire. The article raised (...)
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  26.  14
    Między racjonalnością a moralnością. O rozważaniach Kołakowskiego nad językiem wiary.Ewa Linek - 2005 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 17:117-123.
    L'intention de ce texte est de présenter l'opinion de Leszek Kołakowski sur la relations entre le discours de la rationalité et celui de la foi. Chacun de ces domaines a son propre discours qui lui est specifique et intraduisible. En general, la réflexion de Kołakowski tand à prouver que la présence d'un Absolu est necessaire. Ici, cet Absolu a le visage de Dieu. C'est Lui qui permet de reconnaître comme valables les principes moraux qui en dehors de la foi sont (...)
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    Międzynarodowe sympozjum "Etyka, własność intelektualna a badanie genomu" Paryż 2001.Ewa Majewska - 2000 - Etyka 33:275-277.
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    Wolność słowa a zjawisko propagandy.Justyna Miklaszewska - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 18:172-187.
    In modern liberal democratic societies, freedom of speech is one of the fundamental rights of an individual guaranteed by the constitution. It is also the foundation of a democratic state. This right is sometimes abused for political purposes and demagogic propaganda, in both totalitarian systems and democracies, which adversely affects the stability of a state. Propaganda mechanisms negatively influence the sphere of community values and concepts which change their meanings through manipulation. The author examines the language of demagogic propaganda and (...)
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  29. Jakim Kant był psychologiem?Justyna Nowotniak - 2012 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 57.
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  30. O integralności prawdy.Izabella Nowakowa - 1996 - Principia 15.
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    Dawne kultury w ideologiach XIX i XX wieku.Justyna Olko (ed.) - 2007 - Warszawa: Wydawn. "DiG".
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    Ethics in an operations management course.Ewa A. Rudnicka - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (4):645-654.
    Graduates of the management major at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg find employment in a variety of organizations. As future managers with employees from different professions, students expressed an interest in discussing ethics cases in the operations management class. The semester starts with students familiarizing themselves with various professional and corporate codes of ethics. Throughout the semester a number of short ethics’ cases in operations’ areas such as inventory management, scheduling, facility location, and product design are introduced to illustrate (...)
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  33. National Identity and Globalization - Examples of Polish Contemporary Art.Justyna Ryczek - 2009 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 11:329-338.
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    Piękno w kulturze ponowoczesnej.Justyna Ryczek - 2006 - Kraków: "Rabid".
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  35. To Make Important - Some Attitudes in Art.Justyna Ryczek - 2004 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 6:145-162.
  36. Mary Wollstonecraft i feministyczna krytyka Emila J.J. Rousseau.Justyna Wodzik - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 84 (4):349-361.
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    An ethics of dissensus: postmodernity, feminism, and the politics of radical democracy.Ewa Płonowska Ziarek - 2001 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    What kind of challenge does sexual and racial difference pose for postmodern ethics? What is the relation between ethical obligation and feminist interpretations of embodiment, passion, and eros? How can we negotiate between ethical responsibility for the Other and democratic struggles against domination, injustice, and equality, on the one hand, and internal conflicts within the subject, on the other? We cannot address such questions, Ziarek argues, without putting into dialogue discourses that have hitherto been segregated: postmodern ethics, feminism, race theory, (...)
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  38.  14
    From National Fantasies to Attachment Theory: Lauren Berlant’s Cultural Criticism in Light of British Developmental Psychology.Justyna Wierzchowska - 2024 - Civitas 31:9-31.
    The article surveys Lauren Berlant’s ideas concerning the emotional functioning of the human being in the context of neoliberal capitalism and argues for their limitation resulting from Berlant’s focus on the society-ideology axis while overlooking the significance of the early bonds in the development of one’s emotional regulation. Contrary to the multiple Marxist interpretations of culture, Berlant emphasizes that politics is effective by shaping human fantasies of desire rather than merely producing ideology. In the case of the United States this (...)
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  39.  42
    AI ageism: a critical roadmap for studying age discrimination and exclusion in digitalized societies.Justyna Stypinska - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):665-677.
    In the last few years, we have witnessed a surge in scholarly interest and scientific evidence of how algorithms can produce discriminatory outcomes, especially with regard to gender and race. However, the analysis of fairness and bias in AI, important for the debate of AI for social good, has paid insufficient attention to the category of age and older people. Ageing populations have been largely neglected during the turn to digitality and AI. In this article, the concept of AI ageism (...)
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  40.  43
    Transgression of Postindustrial Dissonance and Excess: (Re)valuation of Gothicism in Jim Jarmusch’s Only Lovers Left Alive.Justyna Stępień - 2016 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 6 (1):213-226.
    The paper gives insight into the revaluation of popular Gothic aesthetics in Jim Jarmusch’s 2014 production Only Lovers Left Alive. Drawing on critical theory and the postmodern theoretical framework, the article suggests that the film transgresses contemporary culture immersed in a “culture of death” that has produced a vast amount of cultural texts under the rubric of “Gothicism.” By considering Jean Baudrillard’s concept of transaesthetics and Judith Halberstam’s writings on contemporary monstrosity, the paper shows that a commodified Gothic mode has (...)
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    Idealization V: the dynamics of idealizations.Izabella Nowakowa - 1994 - Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
    Chap. V: Generalizations of the Rule of Correspondence ... 71 1. Generalizations and Extensions 71 2. A Certain Generalization of the Concepts of ...
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    Attitudes of Polish physicians, nurses and pharmacists towards the ethical and legal aspects of the conscience clause.Justyna Czekajewska, Dariusz Walkowiak & Jan Domaradzki - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundWhile healthcare professionals’ right to invoke the conscience clause has been recognised as a fundamental human right, it continues to provoke a heated debate in Polish society. Although public discourse is filled with ethical and legal considerations on the conscience clause, much less is known about the attitudes of healthcare professionals regarding that matter. The aim of this study was therefore to describe the attitudes of Polish physicians, nurses and pharmacists towards the ethical and legal aspects of the conscience clause.MethodsWe (...)
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  43.  18
    Kiedy użycie słabej deskrypcji określonej jest poprawne?Justyna Grudzińska - 2022 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:213-224.
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    Subversion of the Motive, Symbolism of the Image. The Dragon and its Role in The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro.Ewa Drab - 2022 - Iris 42.
    As it has been shown by Kazuo Ishiguro in his novel The Buried Giant (2015), the dragon can perform functions that contradict the reader’s expectations. The female dragon Querig has a paradoxal character—passive and withdrawn, it influences other characters and its environment in various ways, contrary to other similar creatures portrayed in fantasy literature, with which this specific figure is mainly associated. Querig’s double nature allows the author to explore the subjects of memory and trauma, both symbolized by the dragon.
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  45. Krzywda w rzeczywistości ludzkiej (\\\"Krzywda. Zagadnienia teoretyczne i problemy praktyki\", red. W. Tulibacki).Justyna Białowarczuk - 2004 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 10.
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  46. Historiographical criticism : a manifesto.Ewa Domanska - 2007 - In Keith Jenkins, Sue Morgan & Alun Munslow (eds.), Manifestos for history. New York: Routledge.
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    Changes in Metaphor Comprehension in Children.Ewa Dryll - 2009 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 40 (4):204-212.
    Changes in Metaphor Comprehension in Children The aim of the study was to follow the implicit patterns in children's responses to metaphor describing human by means of a name of animal. The main problem in present study was: which traits of topic would be spontaneously used by children from three age groups? The study followed a quasi-experimental design. The subjects were 77 children from three age groups: 5;6-6;0, 8;0-8;6, 9;6-10;0. The dependent variable: the level of comprehension of 18 metaphors with (...)
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  48. Bachtin i Heidegger - problem innego.Ewa Drzazgowska - 2003 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 47 (3):83-97.
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  49. Zmysły otwarte na piękno (K. Wilkoszewska (red.): \"Estetyka czterech żywiołów. Ziemia, Woda, Ogień, Powietrze\").Ewa Gładkowska - 2003 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 9.
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    Dialog nauki i wiary - analiza wybranych stanowisk.Justyna Herda - 2007 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 55 (2):5-18.
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